We create Digital Fences around each and every property listed on the MLS. Then we "tag" anyone who walks through our Geo-Fences with their mobile phone and begin serving them your ad!
People actively researching online items like home listings, mortgages, down payment information and how to find a great Real Estate Agent.
PLUS - We display your ad to people who have downloaded apps such as Zillow, Homes.com and Realtor.com
We Geo Fence every Real Estate Office in your town. Targeting mobile phone users who are identified as infrequent visitors.
Your ad can show up on their favorite app when they are looking at homes, eating out, or at work. You can promote your current listings or seek out sellers who haven't listed their homes.
Our Digital Fences are mapped around every MLS property listed for sale. People who walk through our digital fence are "tagged" and their mobile phone begins serving them you're ad!
4 Payments of
with one payment of
4 Payments of
with one payment of
4 Payments of
with one payment of
Leave your contact details below and someone from our team will connect with you and discuss the power of Easy360 and how we can help you.
Email me with your questions or schedule a meeting to start a product demo.
Payment is due when your project launches.
4 Payments of
SAVE $100 with one payment of
4 Payments of
SAVE $100 with one payment of
4 Payments of
SAVE $100 with one payment of